Dear All,
We are postponing the breakfast, carnival, and luncheon tomorrow until next Friday Feb. 7, 2025, due to illness. We have over 20 students out sick. WE will have school tomorrow with whoever is here. Do not be afraid to keep your kids home if needed, just communicate with us.
1. Reminders:
a. Students must be fever free for 24 hrs. before they may return to school. (NO TYLENO, etc.) given.
b. Students must NOT have vomited in 24 hrs. before they may return to school.
c. Students must be diarrhea free for 24 hrs. (with not meds.) before they may return to school.
d. We do not give out cough drops. If students bring their own cough drops they must be kept in the office with their name on the bag.
e. If your child's cough is going disrupt his/her learning or others in the class, please keep them home.